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Facing the Kryptonite of Multisite Momentum 

A Free Whitepaper & Case Study

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We believe that this resource will help you push beyond the forces that would render your church trapped and continue on the path of Kingdom expansion.

This whitepaper walks through a number of hindering roadblocks most churches with an aggressive multiplication vision encounter. It also highlights the process LibertyLive.Church (a multisite stuck at 4 campuses) went through as they were pushing through the vision, 10 campuses in 10 years, that God had given them to “reach the entirety of Hampton Roads”.

Within a multisite strategy, the necessity for facilities in new communities begins to present issues that could be crippling to a robust Kingdom vision. The slow speed of raising resources and developing sites can be the kryptonite threatening the rhythm of growth.

The church regularly flirts with a debilitating kryptonite as it decides how to develop and allocate resources for real estate. The amount of resources needed and also the cost and time in raising those resources can be expensive in both financial and leadership capital.

Superman’s only known weakness was kryptonite! It rendered him weak and unable to fight evil! Likewise, the power of a clear vision has a kryptonite that will pose a real threat for churches that are multisiting – especially those driven to launch past 3+ campuses!

THE KRYPTONITE OF MULTISITE MOMENTUM just might be describing your church!

To read more about this resource, check out this blog post.