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10 Smart Check-In Solutions for Portable Churches
With families coming and going before, after, and during service, it’s too much of a liability to expect busy teachers to keep track of who’s in the classroom. And let’s not ignore the reality that some kids are simply drawn to the door and at risk of eloping. In this day and age, there’s no need to worry: digital check-in solutions are aplenty, and they are increasingly more affordable and well-supported. Here’s a list of our favorites.
10 Books Church Planters Should Download Today
There is a never-ending pool of resources marketed to church planters. But where do you find the time to find the best ones? We have a carefully curated list of ten books that are worth your time. And the great thing about the books on this list is that through a digital device, you can download and read them immediately.
Is Your Children’s Ministry Area Sending The Right Message?
Parents are highly alert when approaching a kidsmin environment since they are about to entrust their most precious possession. Having worked with portable churches for almost three decades, we've identified common areas of improvement in children's ministry. This article delves into the most crucial components and provides actionable steps for simple enhancements.
3 Security Measures for Every Portable Church
Planting a church comes with numerous responsibilities that are not always obvious when you first set out on your journey. One responsibility that is of great importance, but not always thought of from the get-go, is making sure your church is a safe place for people to visit.
7 Pieces of Equipment Every Mobile Church Needs
Mobile and portable churches need certain equipment that will help them minister in buildings that aren’t their own. So what are some pieces of equipment that are necessary? There are a wide variety of needs, but the ones highlighted below are essential.
10 Tips for Keeping Your Volunteers Engaged
You have various tasks and obligations as a ministry leader. One of them is leading a group of volunteers to assist you in ministering to others so that you can reach as many people as possible for Christ. However, merely having a team isn't enough to ensure success. You'll need a completely invested and engaged team. How do you keep a volunteer team engaged so that you can have maximum impact?
How to Disassemble a Playpanel
Watch a quick demonstration and learn how to quickly disassemble a playpanel during the teardown process. Playpanels are a portable-friendly way to set up a nursery, preschool classroom, or kidsmin area.
The Easiest Solution to Reduce First-Time Visitor Confusion
There can be many reasons why newcomers feel comfortable or uneasy about visiting church, but one thing is for sure – visitor confusion should never be on the list. It’s easy to avoid, especially when focusing on the right components like space and flow.
How to Assemble a Playpanel
Watch a quick video and learn how to quickly assemble a playpanel, a portable-friendly way to set up a nursery, preschool classroom, or kidsmin area.
10 Questions to Check the Vibe of Your Church Plant Venue
Every house, school, office, and church has an aesthetic. Choosing a church plant venue will start with location and the practical aspects of your site, but don’t discount the importance of aesthetics and their impact on a facility’s vibe.
How To Choose The Right Essential Equipment for Your Portable Church
Choosing equipment for a portable church is significantly different than choosing equipment for a permanent church building. What are the competing values that impact your portable church equipment selection? Here are three values that make portable equipment different from permanent.
The Positive Volunteer Impact of Your Portable Church
As a portable church plant, you are going to launch in a rented, secular space. Is that a blessing or a curse? The difference between a problem and an opportunity is what we do with it. Let’s explore 5 reasons a portable environment can have a positive impact on your church, particularly your volunteers.
5 Benefits of Starting a New Church
While starting new churches certainly doesn’t solve every struggle the Church faces today, there are plenty of benefits. Church planting is tremendously labor-intensive, so the encouraging reminders in our printable infographic can become a motivation to pastors and church planting teams.
How To Know If You’re On Track For Your Church Plant Launch
Planting churches is an adventure. In addition to the excitement, it’s also a bit daunting. For the majority of those involved, it will be the largest project they’ll ever be a part of! Following a checklist will help church planters to pace themselves. Yes, it’s true – most planters we’ve met have no desire to be “paced” and would happily complete this list in a month. But there’s a purpose and a blessing to following a proven timeline, and we might suggest that it’s a good lesson in what’s to come.
3 Rental Questions Church Planters Say They Forgot To Ask
Don’t be caught off guard after you’ve committed to a church plant location. Learn from those who’ve gone before you and ask these questions before you sign on the dotted line.
6 Smart Considerations When Choosing a Church Plant Location
There are endless factors to consider when choosing a location for your church plant or multi-site project. From questions about the HVAC to negotiating rental details, it’s easy to get caught up in the details and overlook the basics. Take a step back and start with the non-negotiable elements of your church plant location. Here are the ones to check off your list first.
Top 10 Podcasts for Church Planters
Leaders, get inspired with these podcasts for church planters. People learn and are inspired in a variety of different ways. One of those ways are podcasts. Podcasts are very popular today as they are really helpful for people on the go which makes them great,...
5 Ways Flexible Space Will Solve Your Space Issues
Whether your church needs more space to accommodate social distancing or to accommodate an influx of attendees, there are flexible options available for your permanent space that will help you achieve your goals. Here’s how those options will benefit your church and your community.
6 Smart Portable Church Equipment Questions to Clarify Your Game Plan
Portability is one of the most cost-effective ways to expand or plant and it creates ideal circumstances for development and outreach. Let these questions guide your portable church equipment choices and start turning your temporary venue into a powerful environment and compelling experiences every week.
Launching Strong – The Secret to Excellence and Volunteer Retention in Portable Churches
The church multisite trends are clear: growth through multiple smaller venues, financial stewardship through leasing, and reaching people in their neighborhoods.1 Yet, churches are leaving traditional facilities in favor of rented spaces that still provide for:...
12 Tips to Transform Your Portable Church Venue Into the Perfect Children’s Ministry Setup
“Let the children come to me.” Children’s ministry is an important focus area for many churches. After all, it is essential for churches to speak into the lives of the little ones. Did you know that the children’s areas play a crucial factor in determining how...
These 7 Church Planting Mistakes Can Really Cost You
With over 156 million unchurched people in America alone, church plants are the need of the hour. However, church planting can be a difficult road - one that doesn’t always end with success. In fact, statistics suggest that 30-40% of churches are not likely to...
The One Article You Must Read About Multisite Challenges
The rise of the multisite church is not a fad. In fact, it seems to keep growing over the years. However, this doesn’t mean that multisite churches don’t come with their own set of hurdles. Are you are looking to launch a multisite church? Well, we’re here to make...
To Build, Buy, Lease or Rent…that IS the question
Guest blog post by Tim Cool. To be or not to no longer the question. For many churches, the burning question is what to do with facilities and do we even need to own a facility. This used to be a question that only church planters were asking. When you are...
10 Advantages A Mobile Church Has Over Permanent Venues
At PCI our belief is that portability for churches is not going away any time soon. In fact, portability is one of the most important strategies for new churches, multisite churches, and even existing churches. Pastor Carey Nieuwhof said it this way, “Portable...
Why Kids Are Loving Churches In Classrooms
Kids can’t wait to get to school on Sundays. Yes, that’s right! An increasing number of portable churches are launching in public venues including school gyms and classrooms. And, kids are just loving the fun and welcoming environment that these churches are...
10 Practical Tips for Church Planters
If you are called to plant a church, we understand that is no small task. Which is why we are here to help. Here is a lit of 10 practical tips for church planters. Check out these words of wisdom - right from the experts: 1. Put together a launch team, rather than...
5 Things Over 800 Pastors Say
We originally created this infographic a few years back. However, post-Covid... these things are more true than ever. As you make your plans... keep these time tested insights in your mind! I am grateful for the team at LifeWay...
15 Ultimate Resources for Church Planters
Peter Wagner has famously said that church planting is the “single most effective evangelistic methodology under heaven.” However, the journey of planting a new church is far from an easy one, which is why you need church planting resources! Anxiety regarding...
How to Accommodate – and Engage – Kids in a Multisite or Portable Church Venue
Creating an irresistible, welcoming environment for young families and their children is extremely important. Launching a new church or campus in a rented facility offers many benefits that permanent locations don’t: lower cost, speed, flexibility, community...