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FAQs Answered: How to Put Away Your Play Panels
Having trouble putting away your play panels? We’ve all been there. Luckily, this video is perfect for those who find putting play panels away at the end of the day to not be the easiest of tasks.
What is Church Planting in the Bible?
Explore the core components of church planting in the Bible, and how it translates into today’s world. Stick around and see how our portable church plants embody these principles in their own unique ways.
3 Ways to Find the Best Portable Church Chairs
To most people, researching and then purchasing the required sound system and lighting rig is substantially more interesting than carefully selecting which portable church chairs are best for your setup. But if you think about it, your church’s chairs are one of the most important collections of equipment.
Our Network of Techies Recommend These 3 Presentation Software Platforms
We asked our network of church planters, AVL techies, and ministry leaders which software they prefer for projecting lyrics, announcements, verses and more, and they answered. Here, we’ve compiled the best of best advice for you.
How Rejection Develops Flexibility in Church Planting
When Wayne Northrup, Senior Pastor of Saints Community Church (SCC), set out to find a rental facility for his mobile church, he didn’t think that it would be difficult, nor did he anticipate being rejected more than 50 times. In this article, you can read about Wayne’s challenges and victories, and seize this opportunity to boost your church planting knowledge.
3 Kinds of Portable Church Signage You Need To Secure Before Launching
Signs are often taken for granted, even though they are the backbone of ensuring the efficient movement of people. We depend on signs to help us navigate through grocery stores, on the road, and in buildings that we are unfamiliar with. Your portable church needs signs, that’s for sure.
Actionable Advice One Multisite Leader Gives To Churches Ready to Reach More People
If you speak to anyone who has walked the road of going multisite or planting a church, they will tell you that learning from those who have gone before you is a top priority. This is advice that you may have already heard but it’s worth repeating because of how true it is.
FAQs Answered: How to Use Coffee Brewer
Good church coffee brewers are considerably larger than the ones we have for domestic use, and there are a few important pointers for how to use them most effectively. Get our tips in this short video from Jesse.
Keep Your Church Plant Launch Timeline Manageable with This Resource
No doubt, you and your team have read numerous articles or books to prepare for your church plant launching, and you’ve probably consulted with experts, too. However, it would be way more useful to have all of their knowledge, condensed and neatly collected into a step-by-step procedure for you to follow.
Impressive Before & After Photos of 4 Portable Church Spaces
The portable church space transformations that take place on Sunday mornings always blow our minds. We see churches all over the country take a generic stage or room and turn it into a functional space, befitting a worship service or ministry. How do churches bring their visions to life? Check out these before and after images and find out how.
FAQs Answered: How To Set Up Your Foam Flooring
With most tasks in life, there is a slow way to do it, and a more efficient way, too. Foam flooring can take some time to get used to and setting it up can take much longer than anticipated if you don’t know the best way to lay each piece. This video will show you how!
Where Should You Plant a Church?
Your church is blessed and has an abundance of volunteers and leaders who are driven to widen the reach of the gospel. Your church has been directed to plant a new church, but how do you determine where to plant a new church?
FAQs Answered: Setting Up Your Scuba Wall
Scuba walling is everyone's favorite thing about being mobile. It may be the texture or how easy it is. There is definitely a correct method for hanging your scuba that avoids damaging the material and a big mess of magnets the next time you need to set up. Get the scoop in this video.
11 Church Planting Verses from the Bible
When we undertake big tasks, we may start with inspiration and energy but eventually struggle and question our direction. If you find yourself in this situation, turn to God for encouragement and find inspiration in these 11 verses from the Bible to reaffirm your mission.
How To Effectively Train Your Volunteer Teams
It’s one thing to recruit a number of volunteers but it’s another thing to effectively train your volunteer teams. With a solid training strategy, you’ll avoid having volunteers milling around without any idea of what to do, or a high volunteer dropout rate, which then leaves you with too few people to help you out on a Sunday.
FAQs Answered: How To Set Up Your Pop-up Expand Sign
Time is always of the essence when it comes to setting up and tearing down. Now that you have invested in some great signs for your church, you’ll want to know the best ways to set them up, tear them down, and look after them.
3 Non-Negotiables for Portable Church Set-Up
Weekly, armies of volunteers set up portable churches. It’s a sight to behold! And there are many more on the brink of launching, and they’d love to learn from others. We asked our network of church leaders share which equipment has become a must-have for an efficient set-up and tear-down experience.
Learn From Expert Church Planters: Daniel Im Talks With Rich Birch
When it comes to expanding your church, keep in mind that others have been in your situation and there are loads of people out there who have come through it, with valuable information to share. In fact, we have the benefit of experts in this field; people who have researched and invested a lot of time exploring the ins and outs of this entire subject.
FAQs Answered: Case Training with Jesse
Cases come in different sizes and shapes. Often, we don’t know how best to maneuver a case and end up developing bad habits. Portable church cases are designed to be moved easily and by almost anyone – you just need to know how to do it correctly.
5 Tips From a Multisite Expert
While going multisite can have immense benefits for your church and the kingdom, it's not an easy feat. Neglecting crucial factors can negatively impact your launch and long-term success. Let us learn from experts in the field and pave the way towards multisite success.
The Ultimate Guide to Your Portable Church Volunteer Structure
The impact of gathering the right number of volunteers for a typical Sunday morning goes beyond what meets the eye. Too many volunteers can be unproductive, while too few can be a burden. Planning your portable church volunteer structure requires consideration of several aspects, which we'll discuss in this article.
FAQs Answered: How to Load and Unload Your Portable Case into a Trailer
PCI designs every church’s portable system to fit easily inside your designated trailers, but there’s an order and sequence to getting it right. These videos will tell you exactly what you need to know.
Church Planters’ Favorite Digital Leadership Teachers for Inspo and Advice
Recently, we asked our church planting network to share their favorite online teachers and influencers and we know you’ll want to check out these ‘follows’ if you haven’t already.
FAQs Answered: Case Basics with Barrett
Now that churches are mostly back in full-swing, we’ve been getting a lot of questions about our cases. Some people need refreshers on how to best organize and set up their portable church case systems, and others are training new teams. Take out the guesswork for your volunteers by sharing this clip with your team members.
Networks For Church Planters: 8 Conferences To Put on Your Calendar
When we gather and learn from each other, we get sharper in our faith, skills, ideas, and enthusiasm for expanding the Kingdom. Conferences are where this happens in turbo. Here are the conferences you can still attend this year — and a few more that you should plan on attending in 2023.
Church Techies Share The AVL Equipment They Don’t Want To Live Without
AVL decisions can seem daunting. And with the high price tag of tech equipment, making an informed decision on a smart investment is critical. Keep reading to discover what other tech staff, church leaders, and pastors said was their non-negotiable piece of AVL equipment for their church.
10 Unique Advantages of a Portable Church Model
If you or your team need an extra push toward planting a new church, look no further than these 10 convincing advantages of a portable church model. Not everyone can adopt a vision and instantly see the advantages of a new plan. We know this, and want to support you in your decision to start a new church.
10 Valuable Resources for Portable Church Leaders
You’ve got the vision and you’re fired up to spread the word of God by planting a church. But what is a builder without his tools? In the same vein, you will need to invest some time in broadening your knowledge on the topic of church planting by selecting good church planting resources to help you on your journey.
The Full-Service Multisite Church Experience: Q&A with Multisite Leader Stephen Trammell
Check out our interview with Pastor Stephen Trammell. He is a pastor and senior leader at Champion Forest Baptist Church, Texas, and we interviewed him about his involvement in launching their north campus. In Stephen's answers, you will find practical insights into what it is like to lead within a multisite church and what he considers the most exciting part of his multisite church experience.
10 Valuable Social Media Accounts for Church Planters to Follow Right Now
Never before have we felt so connected to our favorite pastors, speakers, authors, and church leaders. Most have a social media presence that allows them to organically share valuable insights and resources, leading many of us to call them teachers, examples, and influences. Keep up with some of our favorite accounts and be inspired by their influence.