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This should be obvious…
This should be obvious... Romans 10:14 How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? Too many believers are...
Confirming What’s Important in Launching New Locations
Confirming what’s Important in Launching New Church Locations! by Jeff Beachum I was recently struck by a data point that has been celebrated by some decision-makers in the church and lamented by others. 68% of new church locations are still open after4 years. From...
The Exciting & Uncomfortable Side of Growing Churches.
The Exciting & Uncomfortable Side of Growing Churches. “Hey there friends, have any of you figured out how to……?” If you are involved in any gathering of leaders, either in a physical or digital space, you’re likely to hear a question like...
Ramblings of an innovative Church Multiplication Specialist….on Launch Strong & Thrive
Ramblings of an innovative Church Multiplication Specialist….on Launch Strong & Thrive Knowing for weeks that this post needed to be written, I began thinking about how important momentum is, oddly enough, at the State Fair! While watching my grand-twins...
How to Avoid Pastor Burnout While Launching a Church
For multisite and church planting teams, launching a church can be a daunting task that requires a significant amount of time and energy. Unfortunately, this leaves pastors with little time to connect with people. Instead of building relationships, they're often consumed by logistics, which can quickly lead to burnout.
Everything You Need to Know: Portable Church Case Tutorials for Beginners and Experts
We hope you’ll use this case tutorial to help your volunteers and staff brush up on how to safely and efficiently manage your church’s investment in their cases. If you don’t own any cases and would like to learn more, feel free to contact us today to schedule a consultation.
5 Steps & Checklist For Trailer Upkeep for Your Portable Church
Regular maintenance on your portable church’s trailer can save you a lot of money in the long run by reducing the risk of breakdowns, prolonging its life, and minimizing the need for costly repairs. In addition, a well-maintained trailer can ensure your safety on the road and make your towing experience a lot smoother.
6 Tech Team Tips So You Can Master Front of House
If you're a part of a portable church tech team or leading one, you know that it goes beyond just pushing buttons and turning knobs. A successful team must possess qualities such as preparation, organization, and attention to detail. Get 6 tech team tips to master front-of-house in this article.
9 Valuable Resources Churches Can Expect to Gain During a Portable Church Plant Consultation
Our portable church plant consultation has been designed for new launches and provides detailed maps, reports, and plans that form the framework for transforming your vision into a concrete reality. In this article, we will delve into what church plant teams can expect during this transformational process and how it can impact the church moving forward.
5 Things to Have in Place Before You Plant a Church
With a solid plan for planting a church or launching a multisite, it’s easier to anticipate potential obstacles and prepare for unforeseen situations. But it also minimizes the risk of costly mistakes, saves time and resources, and helps ensure a successful launch.
Here are 5 things to have in place before you plant a church. Dive into these areas and build a clear plan.
Portable Church FAQs Answered: What To Know Before Going Mobile
Wondering where to start working with Portable Church Industries or have a specific question? Check out our list of FAQs, but feel free to contact us with any additional inquiries—we're here to help.
6 Areas To Update During Your Church Spring Cleaning
Do you have a system for ‘spring cleaning’ areas of the church that can get dusty and neglected? Whether it is a review of your facility or a dust-off of your processes like volunteer retention, there’s no reason to neglect a chance to refresh your facility and systems.
How to Plant a Church: 6 Tested Steps
Starting a church can take years, but you don't have to reinvent the wheel. Learn from other churches that have gone before you and benefit from their experiences. In this post, we share our recommended steps so you can skip right to the fun stuff, like recruiting your launch team and meeting community members.
3 Factors To Consider Before Choosing an LED Wall for Your Portable Church
Churches rely heavily on worship set design to give the congregation an immersive and interesting experience, which has traditionally been achieved through backdrops or projected visuals. LED walls, as an alternative, have gained popularity as a result of technological improvements.
Why 3 Recent Church Launches Rocked Their First Weekend
Launching a new church can be daunting, especially in a digital world. But this doesn’t mean it’s impossible! This article will showcase some inspiring launches, highlighting the strategies and elements they used to make their God-given dreams come true.
4 Significant Ways Portable Staging Can Impact Your Church’s Worship Service
Portable staging is a cost-effective and easy way to set up an engaging and dynamic worship space for your church. But what are the most important factors to consider? This article will lead you through all the details involved in selecting the ideal stage for your portable church.
6 Things to Consider When Buying a Portable Baptismal Pool
Choosing the right portable baptismal pool for your church is important to ensure that baptisms are conducted safely and with proper respect. This article discusses six important factors to consider when looking at purchasing one for your church.
You Can Still Register to Attend the Biggest Church Planting Conference of 2023
The Exponential Orlando 2023 Conference, taking place March 6–9, will explore the theme "Lost Cause: Reviving Evangelism." This theme is a call to action for us, as Christian leaders, to revitalize our efforts to share the gospel and bring others to Christ.
10 Must-Have Church Planting Resources for the New Year
Reflect on ways that your church-planting experience can be adjusted and made more effective, easier to handle, and more enjoyable. Consider these improvements and more with this list of must-have church planting resources.
11 Insider Tips Ministry Leaders Want You To Know Right Now
There’s nothing like getting advice from veteran church leaders who have spent years in the trenches. As many confess, the daily work of leading a ministry is vastly different than originally anticipated, making their insights extremely important and uniquely valuable.
FAQs Answered: How to Use KinderLinks
There’s a reason that KinderLinks are our favorite classroom seating solution for children’s ministry. They’re portable, stackable, and durable. But that’s not all—they can be arranged in a variety of patterns to suit your kidsmin needs. Get ideas in this article.
FAQs Answered: How to Properly Wrap Your Cables
Stop the Dad Wrap and learn how to properly wrap your portable church’s extension cords, xlr and dmx cables for longevity.
6 Church Management Systems Church Leaders are Loving
Choosing a church management system is a huge undertaking. That’s why we asked leaders in our church planting network to share their preferred ChMS and provide some wisdom for others in the field.
6 Top Reasons a Budget Solution Might Be the Best Choice for Your Portable Church
Our Portable Church Box Solutions offer an innovative, high-quality way to launch a church on a budget, with volunteers in mind and prepared for the future. Insight from leaders helped us develop these solutions, which are tailored for churches of all sizes.
FAQs Answered: Introducing the Best Bins
Instead of rifling around storage bins or searching for a lost lid, these bins are our proven favorite. Discover the incredible benefits of using our clear, durable system containers.
5 Best Ways to Build an Excited and Empowered Portable Church Team
As church planters and ministry leaders, your team is your greatest asset. Years of listening to feedback from churches has helped us deduce that the key to maintaining excitement and empowerment in a portable church team is to master the art of sharing the vision.
Best 90-Day Launch Plan for Church Plants
Church planting is not a new idea. Many have gone before you on the journey of planting churches and navigating all the twists and turns that it involves. Today, we are in a privileged position because we have so many valuable resources to consult when our church leadership teams feel called to extend the Kingdom. What every team needs is a church planting plan.
FAQs Answered: Take Better Care of Your Trailer
Owning a trailer is serious business. While it makes portability a breeze (and you know we love that here at PCI), our trailers bear the brunt of a great many things, the weather included, and so it also deserves some loving care every once in a while. Although to do so isn’t exactly a walk in the park, PCI has got a few tips and tricks to keep your trailer maintained and looking as good as new every time.
5 Pro Tips For Choosing Your Portable Church’s Sound System
A church’s sound system is one of the most critical tech components that must always be up to scratch in order for the church to serve its people effectively. It’s one of those systems that, when in place and working, no one really thinks about but when it’s not working well, everyone notices.
4 Inviting Church Lobby Ideas That Welcome Guests
Some churches have mastered the inviting coffee bar or comfy seats and tables, and others have given trusted ideas a new twist. Here’s a peek at some of our favorite ideas that you can borrow for welcoming guests into your church, too.