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Top 10 Podcasts for Church Planters
December 28, 2021

Leaders, get inspired with these podcasts for church planters.

People learn and are inspired in a variety of different ways. One of those ways are podcasts. Podcasts are very popular today as they are really helpful for people on the go which makes them great, especially for Church Planters.  

Church Planters are constantly on the go as they are preparing to launch their Church. And while there are plenty of opportunities for them to learn and grow in their leadership, taking time to sit down and read a book or watch a video to learn may be hard. That is why podcasts can be so helpful. They can listen and learn while in the car, waiting before a meeting or walking. 

While there are plenty of Christian leadership podcast, Church Planter focused podcasts are not as common, especially up to date podcasts (consistency is important). So, we have combed through the variety of different podcasts out there to highlight 10 of the best podcasts for Church Planters to listen to and learn from. Here they are in no particular order.

1. The Church Planting Podcast

the church planting podcast

Started in 2016 and hosted by Clint Clifton and Colby Garman this is a weekly, interview based podcast. It is intended to help church planters and sending churches aspiring to make more disciples through church planting. 

2. Churches Planting Churches

church planting churches

This podcast is produced by Acts 29 in partnership with The Gospel Coalition. Tony Merida talks with various church planters, pastors, theologians, and innovators; sharing stories and insights to help you serve Christ’s church more faithfully and effectively.

3. Launch: The GCC Podcast

Started during the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, this is a relative newcomer to the church planting podcast field. It is hosted by Dave Harvey and Marty Duren of the Great Commission Collective. They have conversations with guests focusing primarily on church planting and soul care for all pastors.

4. New Churches Podcast

New Churches

This podcast offers practical answers to your Church planting and ministry questions. They help ministry leaders by looking at real situations answering questions and dealing with ministry related issues.  This podcast is hosted by a variety of hosts such as Daniel Im and Ed Stetzer and is put on by the Send Network and is updated once a week with new episodes.   

5. Plant Strong Podcast

Hosted by Lisa Bennett, this podcast features women and men who are serving and leading in diverse ministry contexts, champion women in Church Planting. You will hear stories from leadership veterans to women in the beginning years of church planting. Each episode will encourage you no matter where you are at in the church planting process. Episodes are updated about every 2 weeks. 

6. Unfiltered: Real Church Planting Conversations

In this podcast you’ll experience authentic discussions about real issues that church planters face and how to deal with them. Hosts Lee Stephenson and Danny Parmelee are two experienced church planters who discuss these issues  and talk about the topics you don’t hear about much when it comes to church planting.

7. Practical Church Planting

This podcast gives you practical tips, advice and encouragement for  planting and growing healthy churches. No matter where you are in the church planting process, you will find this podcast very helpful. Brian Androsian and Dylan Dodson from New City Church host this podcast. 

8. Church Plant Chat

The Church Planting podcast is centered around UK based Church Planters and Leaders sharing about their experiences with Church Planting and leadership; equipping emerging leaders/planters with wisdom from those who have gone before them with lessons they’ve learnt along the way!

9. 5 Points Church Planting Podcast

This podcast focuses on Reformed and Presbyterian Church backgrounds. Hosted by Dr. Hunter Brewer and Rev. Josh Kines, their goal is to give one good point per episode regarding Church planting. Each episode is around 30 minutes long. 

10. The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill

While this is not a specific Church Planting podcast, host Mike Cosper takes you through the rise and fall of Mars Hill. From its founding as part of one of the largest church planting movement to the end, this podcast will help any Church Planter avoid the pitfalls a leader can encounter and go through. 

Whether you are interested in planting a church, are in the process of planting a church, or just want to learn more about building healthy churches, these 10 podcasts are great ones to follow and listen to.

Which ones do you listen to? Did we miss any great ones out there? Share and let us know.